Taking care of your mental health is important and finding the right support can make all the difference. This list provides a variety of resources, from crisis hotlines to counseling services, designed to assist individuals in need. Whether you're seeking immediate help or long-term support, these resources are here to guide you toward r
Taking care of your mental health is important and finding the right support can make all the difference. This list provides a variety of resources, from crisis hotlines to counseling services, designed to assist individuals in need. Whether you're seeking immediate help or long-term support, these resources are here to guide you toward recovery and well-being.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline (DIAL 988): https://988lifeline.org
NH Health Rapid Response: https://www.nh988.com
NAMI-NH Online Support Groups: https://www.naminh.org/support-groups/
Seacoast Mental Health: https://smhc-nh.org
Center for Life Management (CLM): https://centerforlifemanagement.org
The Upper Room, a Family Resource Center: https://www.URTeachers.org
Community Alliance for Teen Safety (CATS): https://www.catsnh.org
Here is a list of food and shelter resources available to help individuals and families in need. These services provide essential support, offering access to nutritious meals, temporary housing, and other critical resources to ensure stability and well-being. Whether you're facing a crisis or simply need assistance, these organizations ar
Here is a list of food and shelter resources available to help individuals and families in need. These services provide essential support, offering access to nutritious meals, temporary housing, and other critical resources to ensure stability and well-being. Whether you're facing a crisis or simply need assistance, these organizations are here to help.
The Greater Derry Food Council has a website up that has multiple different resources to help people in need. Some other organizations that offer assistance include:
Food Banks: https://nhfoodbank.org/find-food/food-map/
Isaiah 58 New Hampshire: https://www.Isaiah58nh.com
Family Promise of Southern NH: Https://www.familypromisesnh.org
FBC Community Food Pantry: https://www.fbcfoodpantry.org
Sonshine Soup Kitchen: https://www.sonshinesoupkitchen.org
End 68 Hours of Hunger: https://www.end68hoursofhunger.org
Rockingham Nutrition & Meals on Wheels: https://www.rockinghammealsonwheels.org
Southern New Hampshire Services: https://www.snhs.org
Food for Children, Inc.: https:/www.foodfc.org
SNAP/Food Stamp/EBT: https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/programs-services/food-meals-assistance/supplemental-nutrition-assistance-program-snap
Overcoming substance abuse is a challenging journey, but with the right resources, recovery is possible. This list of resources offers a range of services including treatment centers, support groups, and helplines dedicated to helping individuals struggling with addiction. Whether you're looking for professional care or peer support, thes
Overcoming substance abuse is a challenging journey, but with the right resources, recovery is possible. This list of resources offers a range of services including treatment centers, support groups, and helplines dedicated to helping individuals struggling with addiction. Whether you're looking for professional care or peer support, these resources are available to guide you on your path to recovery.
South Central Public Health Network: https://www.southcentralphn.org
The Partnership: https://drugfreenh.org
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: www.samhsa.gov
Narcotics Anonymous: https://gsana.org/meeting-list
Alcoholics Anonymous: https://nhaa.net/meetings/
Alanon: https://nhal-anon.org
Doorway: https://thedoorway.nh.gov
SUD Family Support Groups: https://smhc-nh.org
NH Recovery Support Services: https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/programs-services/health-care/recovery-support-services
NH Recovery Community Organizations: https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt476/files/documents2/rco-referral-guide.pdf
Smart Recovery: Self Management and Recovery Training: https://meetings.smartrecovery.org/meetings/